Club Calendar
Dailey Tournament
Monday, May 22, 2023
Dear Golfer,
Happy Spring! Please join us for the 22nd Annual Christopher Dailey Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday May 22nd at McGregor Links Country Club.
Monday, May 22nd, 2023
McGregor Links CC - 359 Northern Pines Rd. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 - (518) 584 6270
Price: $150.00 per golfer
To register, please fill out this form.
We will have two groupings: AM Shotgun and PM Shotgun
AM: 7:30am Shotgun - Registration 7AM
PM: 12:30pm Shotgun - Registration 11:30AM
**PM slots will fill up, so please register early!
Meals: Breakfast will be provided for morning players at 7AM. Lunch will be provided to all players starting at 11:30AM. Dinner is provided to anyone who would like to stay for the banquet starting at 5:30PM.
Scramble Format - The tournament includes green fees, carts, food, prizes and beverages on the course.
Payment can be made with the following:
Venmo (preferred)- christopherdaileyfoundation (last 4 digits 1797).
Check- day of made out to the Christopher Dailey Foundation and mailed to Christopher Dailey Foundation at 23 Brookside Dr. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Cash- drop off at 23 Brookside Dr or during check in on Monday, May 22nd.
If you cannot make it this year but would like to donate, you may do so with the payment details listed above. Thank you for your support!
Anyone interested in sponsoring a hole for $200.00, please email us at
Hope to see you at the event & thank you for your continued support and participation over the last two decades!!
With appreciation,
Brendan, Laura Rose, Maria & Mark Dailey
Jenna Eddy
Ben Farrell
Andrew Roessner